
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Reader unique Post

Ubqari Magazine - December 2014


Special and time-tested experiences of the readers


Blessings incurred by spiritual practices


Ume Ahmad Hassan, Dera Ghazi Khan


Respected Hakeem Sahib, Asalam Alaikum! We have been reading your magazine for few months. My mother is diabetic. My mother developed a lesion on her heel which spread to ankle. Amputation of the foot became imminent. Physicians also suggested pedectomy. But my father did not agreed to. My father asked my mother to blow on foot after reciting Surah Talaaq thrice a day. My mother did so and by the grace of Allah Almighty, wound got healed and imminent danger of pedectomy dissolved.


To cure my weakness, you prescribed me six packings of Johar e Shifa e Madina. I used this medicine and incurred many benefits. My phsique, face and hands developed healthy. Whoever, now see me, remarks that I look like a person alive whereas few months back, I looked pale and dead.


We had no money for constructing our home. I recited Surah Muzamil, یا مغنی eleven thousand and eleven times by reciting eleven times Darood Sharif at start and eleven times at the end of this name for many months. Allah created resources and our two rooms got built within no time. The construction was stopped because all money got spent. But now, shopkeepers visit us and ask that we may take fifty or hundred or as much bags of cement as we need for construction. They add that there is no hurry to pay them back; we can pay them whenever we will have enough money. Since my husband doesn’t want to get obliged, he refuses every time they visit. One of my friends offered me the services of her brother who is mason and said that her brother knew all the famous carpenters of city who could work for us. My husband also refused this offer. Following is an incident which took place with my sister.


How a homeless found a house


Respected Hakeem Sahib, Asalam Alaikum! May you always be happy and prosper! Stirred by a squabble, my sisters in law along with my mother pushed me out of home. The time I was being pushed out from home, I was weeping and reciting انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون and اللھم اجرنی فی مصیبتی واخلف لی خیرا منھا. Everybody was mocking my fate that she always will remain homeless. She never would find a home to live in. The house I was pushed from was of three marlas. Upon reaching my mother’s home I offered two rakah nafal prayer and thanked Almighty Allah. My cousin aslo advised me to offer prayers and added that Allah, out of his benevolence, will reward you. I offered Maghrib prayer and prayed Allah. I spent few days at mother’s home and kept on reciting ولقد مکٰنکم فی الارض وجعلنا لکم فیھا معیشٰ قلیلا ما تشکرونٰ (Surah Araf, 10). I used to recite this ayah for 151 times daily. Then, within four days, my brother called me from Saudi Arabia and asked me to start constructing my own house. Every one was wondering that how Allah, out of nothing, has blessed me with a 12 marla house. Some amount was contributed by my mother, some by my brother and some by my husband. When our house was near to completion money fell short. I started reciting Durood e Tanjina. And to my amazement money got arranged and house was completed. Now I am living merrily in my home. I have improved my health. Wazaifs (spiritual recitations) never go unrewarded. Allah Almighty surely reward those who have strong faith in Allah and Wazaifs.


An invaluable tonic found potent by everyone


(Muhammad Usman Chugtai)


Respected Hakeem sahib, Asalam Alaikum. I am providing readers with a tonic that is extremely potent and has proved successful, by the mercy of Allah Almighty, used whenever.


Ingredients: Green cardamom weighing one chatank (60 grams), white musli indian (chlorphytum borivillianum) weighing half chantank (30 grams), black musli indian weighing half chatank (30 grams), lump of rock sugar weighing half chatank (30 grams).


Recipe: Grind these all together. Don’t use grinder, crush manually. After crushing, sift through a silk cloth. The powder that will be sifted is the actual tonic. Take half teaspoon of this powder with milk before breakfast. Take this medicine for continuous seven days. Take a break for seven days, then start taking it again for seven continuous days. Followed by a break of seven days, take this for seven days making the third week of this medicine. This medicine is to be taken in three cycles.


Invaluable results


Disorders like noctunal ejaculation, dilute semen, less sperm count, urinary and hepatic disorders (LFT), pale eyes, erectile dysfunctioning get cured by this medicine. Dear readers, an important fact regarding this medicine is that its efficacious effect are such cold in nature which cannot be described. So, a person should not think of taking this medicine continuously for a month. Penis would incur negative effects, otherwise. The best methodology is that it is taken for seven days followed by a break of seven days. One should not eat this for more than three weeks. Taking this medicine moderately will resolve the hot effects blood would have developed. Taking one table spoon of pure fats obtained from milk (Desi ghee) mixed in a glass of hot milk will impart commendable benefits to people suffering with penile disorders.




Translated by


Rana Junaid Mustafa Gohar


Accept it: Excuse of your brother even if you don’t want to, advise even if it pinches, a gift from a friend even if its cheap, your mistake even if its insulting, a poor man’s invitation even if there is a hassle, parent’s orders even if you don’t like, a wife’s love even if she is ugly.

 A small amount of desi ghee is necessary with meal because this medicine is very cool in efficacy, also by taking desi ghee the medicine shall act better.

My tested wazaif

(Samina raani, Jahanian)

Respected hakeem sahib Assalamo alaikum! I read Ubqari magazine with much fervor and this magazine is very nice. May Allah give rise to Ubqari magazine by leaps and bounds, Ameen. I am writing some wazaif so that it might benefit someone.

Success in exams

Recite ayat kareema 100 times bracketing it with durood Shareef 11 times, start this wazeefa on Wednesday after any prayer and continue it daily for 21 days and then pray. After 15 days give charity (sudqa) according to ability, to anyone deserving.
Wazeefa number 2:  Recite ( space for Arabic text) 300 times after isha prayer and pray for an excellent result. Continue this till result is declared. inshaAllah you will succeed. 

A remedy to avert becoming notorious

If someone is bent upon making someone notorious and there is a risk of it, recite this ayat (space for Arabic text) 41 times, morning and evening and braise upon one’s self. 

A proven act for those desiring offspring

If you don’t have an offspring, recite ayat number 17 of surah Maida 300 times daily and braise over a sweet dish. Give half of it to the husband and the rest to the wife. Continue this for 41 days. InshaAllah they will have an offspring. 

A prescription to bring back husband to the right path

If someone’s husband has illicit relations with a woman or brings haram income at home, recite Surah Maida ayat number 100, 141 times for 11 days and braise over an eatable and give it to him to keep him away from it. InshaAllah it will be effective. 

Relief from both renal colic and renal stones

(Mrs Syed Shabbir Bukhari, Tulah gung)

Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalamo alaikum! I have some prescriptions which will definitely be helpful for the readers. I am sending these prescriptions inspite of my busy schedule because Ubqari is my benefactor and I have made a promise that I will definitely send some beneficial material to serve mankind.

 A cure for renal colic and renal stones
This prescription has proved itself repeatedly for renal stones, concretions and flatulence. (space for Arabic text): Dry ginger, aniseed, ammonium chloride, black rock salt, black pepper, rayee (a kind of mustard seed). Take these 6 things in equal weight. Take them 2 ounce each and crush them finely. Take a teaspoon of it with water in the morning and evening. Drink lots of water. Be it renal stone or concretion, whatever it may be, will be excreted. Once an acquaintance of mine had a renal stone, doctors had finalized the day of surgery. In the meantime this powder was given to him. When he went for operation, there was no stone in the kidney. Doctors were flabbergasted; it was entirely the trick of this powder. Whenever we eat rice or any other flatulent food, we eat a teaspoon of this powder and the food is digested easily. 

A prescription of oat for asthma and phlegmatic cough

Fry a cup of oat in small clay pan at very low heat. Stir a spoon in it sometime till the time the oats become black but don’t turn to ash on pressing. When they are jet black take them off, crush them when they cool off. Add sugar candy to it in an amount equivalent to crushed oats. Eat a spoonful of it in morning (fasting) with lukewarm water. All the sputum stuck in the throat shall go down or expectorated slowly. I and my family use the same prescription for asthma or phlegm. It is important to take this medicine with lukewarm water. My nephew had been suffering from asthma since 15 years; he lived in some other city. When met with him by surprise he used the same prescription and found it very effective. Now he eats even rice and says aunt why didn’t you tell me about this prescription before. 

The people who deserve the curse of Allah almighty and prophet ﷺ­

Hazrut Mohammad ﷺ­ said that there are 6 people who I have cursed and Allah Almighty has also cursed and every prophet is the one whose prayers are accepted by Allah. 1. Who exceeds limit of the book of Allah. 2. A person who gains power by force and might, honours someone who is dishonoured by Allah and dishonours the one honoured by Allah. 3. The one who neglects destiny. 4. The person who perceives Allah’s haram as halal. 5. That person from my ummaah who makes the prohibited things lawful. 6. The person who leaves my Sunnah. (ruwah albahqi fil mudkhil, reference mushkaat).

Another haddees signifies Hazoor ﷺ­ said, one who sets a vulgar eye on a na mehrum and the one who is being eyed (considering that the one who is being eyed, has no intention or desire of being looked at by a ne mehrum). Both have been cursed by Allah. Huzrut Abu huraira رضی اللہ عنہا narrated that prophet ﷺ­ has cursed a man who wears dresses like a woman and cursed a woman who wears dress like men.

someone said to Huzrut Ayesha رضی اللہ عنہا that a woman wears a masculine shoe. Huzrut Ayesha رضی اللہ عنہا said Hazoor ﷺ­ has cursed a woman who adapts appearance of a man. Huzrut ibne Abbas رضی اللہ عنہا narrated that prophet ﷺ­ has cursed those men who become eunuchs by changing their appearance like women and cursed those women who become manly in appearance and ordered to get them out of your homes. In Bukhari it states that Huzrut Abdullah bin masood رضی اللہ عنہا said that curse be upon those women who tattoo others and those being tattooed and those who have eyebrows plucked so that they become thin and curse of Allah be on those woman who make gap between teeth for beautification and those who change the creation of Allah. (muarufulquran jild 2, page 435).

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